Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oregano Toast

Breakfast dgn bread toast is as simple as mcm buat kuih cucur je kan. Mommy lg suka kalau anak2 request nk bread toast --- jimattttt masa ku!
This is one of the most common toast yg mommy buat utk bkn aje tuk anak2 tp for myself & my darling as well. Aroma daun oregano adalah aroma yg anak2 mommy suka sgt2..they don't mind using this herb dlm any cooking - so far lah kan....x tau la one day sok2 depa jemu plak.

Jom toast-ing....!

Bhn2 (anggaran):
6-8kpg roti
2-3bj telur
1-2sdb oregano segar (hiris halus2) - gantikan dgn dried oregano kalau yg fresh xder
sedikit garam
butter/myk utk menggoreng

1. Panaskan sdkt butter/myk dlm non-stick frying pan.
2. Gaulkan telur, oregano & garam dlm satu mangkuk lebar. Pukul dgn garpu, smpai berbuih2.
3. Celup satu roti ke dlm mangkuk telur then goreng dgn api sederhana/kecil smpai brown ke dua2 permukaan roti. Buat smpai habis.

buat cheese sandwich & mcm2 lg leh wat...


  1. kak alma

    wah...kat sini oregano mahal..tp xper..nak g carik jugak..nampak sedap !!

  2. no hal pny..
    guna je yg dried tp boh lbh sket utk rasa aroma harumnye tu okeh???
    happy toasting :)
